Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Personal Network Solutions Division of Sony

Sony, â€Å"Manufactures, markets and sells consumer and professional audio and video equipment, telecommunication products, computer and peripheral products, recording media and energy products, semiconductors and other electronic components.† ( It is a very broad company that operates in many different business areas. The focus of this assessment is centered on the personal network solutions division of Sony. Personal Network Solutions Co. (PNSC) Handycam ® and Digital Handycam Camcorders Digital Mavica ® and Cyber-shot cameras Glasstron ® audio/video eyeware Online photo service â€Å"Image StationSM† Memory Stick ®digital media products VAIO ® (Video Audio Integrated Operation) personal computers Trinitron ® computer displays CLIÉ ® handheld device Sony operates in five business units. The computer and digital media devices both fall under the same unit at Sony. Sony does have the benefit of many business strengths. The most notable of which is its business name. Sony products have a reputation for being â€Å"before their time† as far as the features many of them have. Many Sony products demand a premium price for being such a technological masterpiece. Sony has continued to use this premium price scale in its computer line as well. By doing so it prices itself out of the value or budget line that many consumers seek. Sony has a reputation for producing high quality electronic devices and has also developed a loyal customer base. Sony is able to gain customers from an early age with its video game systems PS One and PS 2. Sony could feed off of this and make these customers attracted for life. Sony products are always on the cutting edge of technology. Sony has always pushed the envelope on design and cannot stop if it hopes to remain an electronic powerhouse. Sony hopes to expand its electronic market with the recent introduction of its CLIE† PDA or personal digital assistant. Competitors of Sony†s have dominated this area and now it should be able to compete. As with most companies, where there is strength, there is also weakness. This is definitely true at Sony with its biggest weakness being its inability to distribute its high end products as quickly as the market is demanding them. This was very evident during this past Christmas when Sony released the before mentioned Playstation 2. Demand was so high for this product that it is just now available in the stores as production and distribution has met up with demand. It did not help that there was a defect in the first shipment of the machines to the US and many who had to wait in long lines ended up with useless devices and had to wait until more arrived to have theirs replaced. Being on the cutting edge of the technology field makes opportunities always around the corner. However the work must be done to make it to the corner. Sony puts the needed resources into its research and development of all of its products. Without a doubt, Sony produces some of the most high quality electronic devices in the world. Now it would like to do the same thing in the computer market. Sony first started producing consumer pc†s in the mid 90†³s. Since then it has concentrated primarily on the consumer pc and especially the smaller format or laptop version of the pc. This represents a definite opportunity with which Sony could gain even more of the consumer electronic market. As with all companies there are many threats, which must be considered when conducting business. Some of these threats come from outside the company as some of them come from within. One such outside threat is that of the United States economy. Consumers are much less likely to make major purchases, such as a new computer, during times of economic trouble. While control of the entire economy is out of the hands of Sony, it can make some changes to assure that economic trouble does not completely cause the company to shut down. Sony is also entering an area of electronic business that they are not as familiar with. All electronic products eventually become obsolete. The computer sales market is one electronic area that is very time volatile. Newer, faster computers are always being released. Sony has for a long time operated in electronic business that has not been as technology and time sensitive. Current market conditions for Sony are not where it would like for them to be and are not at levels seen in past years. Much like other technology companies, Sony is in a transition period in which it is trying to find its permanent location in all markets. Sony has a main goal of staying ahead of the competition as all electronic devices enter the digital age. Current Conditions and Alternatives Sony†s current market emphasis is based on offering a consumer driven product line with some business products available in various markets. Sony has not been able to keep up with other computer specific companies in the areas of business applications. â€Å"I don†t recommend any Sony products [to business users] since they don†t have the infrastructure to match a Dell or a Toshiba or a Compaq,† says Ken Dulaney, vice president mobile computing at Gartner Group. â€Å"Their products are more applicable for consumers; they don†t work with businesses.† Sony may not be able to match the competing computer companies on the basis of size, however it is able to compete in terms of quality and technology. Many of the features available on a consumer pc's are not available on business pc†s. Sony could remove some of the more ‘neat† features that its pc†s have and develop a line that would better suit a business application. There is no way to gain a full understanding of how the Internet and access to it has changed the way computers are used and designed. Computers today are much more advanced that those purchased only a few years ago. For those reasons, companies who had previously been involved in computer markets have had to change the way in which it manufactured machines. Sony has the benefit of being fairly new to the computer business and an understanding of the need to adapt to changing broadband technology. CEO Nobuyuki Idei stated, â€Å"What we are and will be is a broadband entertainment company,† in his 1999 vision of the company. Even though there have been some management changes the desire to stay on top of broadband entertainment is still present at Sony. (, surprises, 1) â€Å"Every chance he gets, the 62-year-old Idei spreads the word about Sony's future as an Internet company: Everything from the venerable Walkman to the popular PlayStation game console will soon connect to the Web.†(, Slump at Sony, 1) With new technology always around the corner, Sony must continue its current plan of being a broadband company. Sony has many new products in use today that take advantage of technological advances that have previously been unseen. For Sony to remain a leading edge electronic company it must continue with current company plans. There are many possible alternatives in which Sony can and should pursue. Many of the alternatives are time based and could not be made immediately. However, as Sony is well aware, to compete in an industry that is constantly changing, you, yourself have to be able to make changes as well. Sony could focus the majority of its attention to the cash cow it current has in the video and electronic market. This of course would be its Playstation 2 video game system. This system has already sold over 10 million units and Sony currently expects to sell 20 million in the 01-02 fiscal year due to increase in the production speed of the system. Sony will soon be seeing a new competitor enter the market of its video game system. Microsoft will be releasing it†s own version of a video game system that has many critics panting. Many believe that the new system by Microsoft will be the biggest direct competition in the video game field for Sony since it has entered the field. There is a huge demand in the computer field for compatibility of products. Sony has made it possible for several of its computer products to use the same format of small removable memory. Better know as the Memory Stick, the chewing gum sized ‘card† has ability to store both music and video on a single card. Thus the card can be used in Sony†s video camera line; it†s VAIO line of personal pc†s as well as the long time favorite, Walkman music device. It would also be possible for Sony to enter the business computer field of the market. Although there is definite competition in this market, Sony has the technology in its research and development department to make the business machines fly. The only downfall to this idea is the fact that Sony products are so highly sought after for the ‘neat† features that it†s products posses. To remove features from its current line to make them affordable to the business field would be an image-changing move. Sony products demand a premium price that business customers cannot afford to pay for. Sony joined the major players in the computer business with the introduction of it†s VAIO Direct website where consumers can purchase computers directly from the company. Although not as fully customizable as other companies† computers, Sony still allows the user to make some changes that defiantly affect the performance and function of the machine. Along with this Sony could expand it†s variety of computer uses to include specific areas or markets. The company has already shown its ability to manufacture a top level gaming system for the home. Why could it not take what it has learned from this development and manufacture a gaming specific line of computers that was easily upgradeable as new computer technology becomes available? Along with the gaming pc, there are other areas that could benefit from specifically designed products. For a long time the Apple computer has been the choice for those interested in making movies on the computer. With Sony†s ever increasing line of video cameras and accessories, it is only logical for it to create a movie specific line of pc. Computer design companies pay large prices for computers that are capable of running memory intensive design software. Sony could enter this market with a product designed specifically for the computer drafter. Many believe the next explosion of use for the computer will come in the automobile industry. As time goes by more and more automobiles are incorporating a type of computer into the vehicle. This unit does basic functions such as check e-mail and assist with driving directions. Sony could join efforts with its audio development division to produce an affordable and effective automobile pc. Sony is a world leader in the electronic business. It is new to the field of personal computers. Sony has used its past experience to set up a basis for operation in the computer business. There are some changes that it must make if it wants to remain in the computer business however. Sony should continue with its current plan of producing consumer pc†s and try to avoid the general business market. Consumer pc†s vary from those of business pc†s in both features and price. Sony would have to remove features from its computers while at the same time dropping the price to make them an affordable business option. This decision would change the image of Sony computers from a feature packed, top of the line computer, to one resembling the mainstream computers. Sony should also enter the market specific computer business with models available in three different fields: movie making, drafting, and gaming. With these market specific pc†s, Sony could still include all of the features that make its computers enjoyable to own while adding necessary hardware or software to enable them to meet the specific demands of each field. Most specifically, Sony should definitely create a computer designed with the computer gamer in mind. Sony has reached millions of children with the production of the Playstation line of home video game systems. From here, it should continue with a computer for the children to use as they grow up. The unit should be easily upgradeable but feature all necessary parts from the beginning. With its strong brand recognition, this would, in tern, help in the sales of all Sony electronic products. Sony has made a major advance in its distribution methods of its computers. With the opening of the VAIO Direct website, Sony gave its consumers the ability to customize computers to some extent. The competition of Sony allows its customers to fully customize its computers. If Sony wants to remain at the forefront of the computer business, it must allow the machine to be adapted to specific uses. Much like the customized computers for various markets, Sony must also make its normal computers customizable to the average consumer. This variety in design will help Sony receive the premium prices that it has demanded in the past for its top-notch products.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case Study- Clover Valley Dairy Company

Case Study: Clover Valley Dairy Company Rebeca Aquino DeVry University Case Study: Clover Valley Dairy Company Statement of the Problem(s) The main issue in this case study is the reluctance of the salespeople to comply with the implementation of the new Fist-Plus plan. As a consequence the sales department over the Des Moines office is not meeting the monthly quota. Summary of the FactsFrom the moment Doug Bloom got to the new office over at Des Moines it was clear that it would be a struggle to get the salespeople to accept and put in action the new First-Plus plan that was forced upon everyone directly from corporate. Doug tried to talk to all the salespeople in a group and individually as well with the intension of helping them understand the importance of following through with this new plan. After reviewing the negative first’s month results where the department had failed to meet their quota.Doug took immediate action and fired a memo to all salespeople requesting a wri tten weekly schedule of their activities. This was with the intention of reviewing the way salespeople were managing their time and find ways to help them improve their time managing and this way close more accounts and meet the monthly quota. The sales reps did not like when told how to best manage their time and one of the employees took it even further and took it personal, got really offended and even resigned his job.When the results of the second month came up negative again, Doug decided to take over some of the most promising accounts that some of the sales reps had failed to close. The sales reps did not like this and complained to Doug about it. Even after Doug explained to them that he was going to do the closing of the accounts but that they would be returned to them as soon as the closing had occurred and they would be benefitting from the commissions of these accounts the sales reps were still not satisfied.This entire struggle had Doug considering quitting his job bef ore corporate decided fired him. All the efforts Doug seem to make did not seem to be enough to get through his sales reps. Analysis The group of sales reps Dough was assigned to manage are very reluctant to change. First of all because they do not consider this new plan to be a good idea due to the fact that most of their sales come from small business and this new plan is specifically focused on big companies which is a game changer for them.How to make them see that they do not need to drop or stop pursuing small accounts instead what they need to do is add additional large accounts. Would selecting some sales reps to pursue this new plan and leave the sales reps that bring in large business from smaller accounts continue the way they have being doing successful sales? Would new rival issues and work un-satisfaction arise from this decision? How can Doug deal with this new issue? If Doug selects some of the sales reps that appear to be more open to the idea and that are also prom ising sales reps.He can work with them more closely and help them acquire new big customers. This way he would not have to deal with all the sales reps and he would have more time for this group dedicated to target big customers. If he does that the other sales rep can focus on what they do best and would ensure that the monthly quota is reached. If the plan works out and new big customers start purchasing insurance from this selected group it will not be long before the rest of the sales reps will want in to the new plan, after all they all work for commissions.Bigger companies more business for the company and more commission for the sales reps. Recommendations It would be recommended that Dough select a quarter of sales reps to carry-on the new plan implemented by corporate. The selection of these sales reps would be based on their abilities and also on the amount of business they bring in to the company. Their productivity should be significant but not definitive to the departme nt’s quota. Leave the salespeople that bring in a lot of business continue the way they have being working for the time being.I also recommend to get rid of sales reps that do show good results and that are also reluctant to cooperate with Doug’s leadership ideas. He does not need to clean house but he needs to set an example that he means business. Conclusion When dealing with salespeople afraid of change there is always a way to make them see the bigger picture. It is not always easy and most of the times managers need to be creative to achieve the goals set for the department. However, it can be done when the right person is in charge.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 6

Strategic management - Essay Example After enumerating the internal and external business affairs of Lego, the essay emphasizes the drawbacks of the company and finds ways through which it may overcome its negativities. 1. Which stage of the industry life cycle is the Toy industry in? How has that affected Lego’s ability to gain market share? This is the period of globalization and liberalization when almost all the industries in the market are booming. International trade is at its zenith, when most of the business firms are enjoying the benefits of the growing market. Consumerism has become the catchphrase of the world economy in 21st century. Income levels of the developed economies are augmenting and the developing economies are emerging with high growth rates. At this stage per capita income levels of almost all the open economies in the world are improving. With the improvements in standard of living, the aggregate demand for luxuries and comforts has enhanced. Life cycle models are not only common to the l iving beings but also associate with industries. Even an industry begins, grows, becomes mature and finally collapse with time. This is not because an industry has life but because an industry’s existence depends on the consumers whose taste and preference changes with time. The toy industry is at its peak of life cycle, where more than thousand companies operate in the industry with high turnovers and revenues. In United States the industry generates high revenue of about $20 billion (Little & King Co., 2010). Top popular toy companies are Lego, Mattle, Hasbro etc. A big segment of the industry comprises of the game making companies like Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. This industry manufactures a wide variety of toys like non-electric toys, children vehicles, preschool toys, stuffed animals, art & crafts, dolls etc. Toys are not only sources of entertainment for the children but also serve as basic academic tools to develop memory skills in them. Lego is a popular toy manufac turing company in Denmark, the headquarters of the company is in Billund. The company mainly engages in the manufacture of construction toys. The Lego bricks are generally colourful and can be used to make various types of toy cars or buildings. The growth of the toy industry has generated several positive externalities for Lego. The Lego group has exhibited unremitting growth since the last few years and the rates of growth have always been in double digits. The world’s best market for Lego bricks is U.S. Lego toys are marketed in more than 130 countries in the world. The company has a club of its loyal customers that comprises almost 4.2 million members. Today it can be hypothesized that on an average each individual in earth has approximately 80 Lego bricks to play with. Over the years more than 600 billion Lego elements have been manufactured (Lego, 2012). Figure 1: Lego House (Source: Lego, 2012) Producing bright and colourful bricks as toys, Lego have introduced a revol utionary change in the world of toys, where children may explore their creativity. The main driving force of the company is to encourage creative opportunities for all children.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Our idea is to create a toy that prepares the child for life, appeals to the imagination and develops the creative urge and joy of creation that are the driving force in every human being†. The demand for Lego toys is increasing with time; accordingly the quantity of toy manufactured is also increasing. Figure 2: Experience

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Freedom of Expression Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Freedom of Expression - Case Study Example It becomes more difficult when the right to free speech competes with another right as will be elucidated on more fully later, the right to privacy. All that should be done is look through jurisprudence until one finds the applicable case with similar facts. In â€Å"hard† cases with novel facts, the role of the judge becomes infinitely more difficult. This is evident, for example, in a case wherein a judge determined that the right to privacy is trumped by the fact that there were legitimate aims to be pursued, as in the case of A v. The United Kingdom, where a Member of Parliament, after identifying the applicant and giving her exact address, proceeded to describe her as a neighbor from hell. In recent times, particularly given the public’s voracious appetite for information on the private lives of celebrities and the entertainment media’s eagerness to satisfy such an appetite, the tension between the right to free speech and the right to privacy grows sharper. Article 8 of the Human Rights Act states that â€Å"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.† It must be underscored that â€Å"although the object of Article 8 is essentially that of protecting the individual against arbitrary interference by the public authorities, it does not merely compel the State to abstain from such interference: in addition to this primarily negative undertaking, there may be positive obligations inherent in an effective respect for private or family life. These obligations may involve the adoption of measures designed to secure respect for private life even in the sphere of the relations of individuals between themselves." It is cause for reflection that three of the recent famous cases involving privacy and free speech were decided in favor of privacy. This paper will discuss first the case of Princess Caroline of Monaco, which was resolved with finality in the European Court of Human Rights. After which, the case of Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Ok! Magazine against Hello! Magazine will be discussed. Last would be the case of Naomi Campbell. In the first case, Von Hannover v. Germany5, Princess Caroline invokes her right to privacy against several entertainment magazines that published pictures of her in her private moments. A few of these photos showed her with actor Vincent Lindon, and such photos were captioned "these photos are evidence of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global strategic Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global strategic Planning - Assignment Example McDonald’s outlets are also located on national highways and other prominent roadside locations. McDonald’s set foot on Indian soil by inking a joint venture with two domestic companies; Hardcastle Restaurants Private Ltd. (HRPL) and Connaught Plaza Restaurants Private Ltd. (CPRP). HRPL has been awarded a Development Licensee status by McDonald’s and is responsible for spearheading the fast food chain’s business operations in West and South India. Meanwhile, McDonald’s joint venture with CPRP is responsible for developing business in North and East India (McDonald’, 2014). Since its entry 18 years ago, McDonald’s has grown by leaps and bounds in the country. It has fueled its expansion plans by offering franchises to financially robust companies that promise long-term sustainable development of its business. McDonald’s entered India in the mid 1990s. The company ran into rough weather as ingesting beef, one of the key ingredients in McDonald’s burgers, violated the religious beliefs of Hindus. There was an anti-McDonald’s sentiment in the country. McDonald’s was seen as a company that promoted alien culture in India (Kulkarni & Lassar, 2009). The row continued for a long time. A class action lawsuit was filed against McDonald’s alleging that the company deceived Indian consumers by lacing its products with beef (The Times of India, 2001). The fast food chain responded to the local requirements and removed beef from its menu. People were allowed to visit and inspect the company’s kitchen to be sure that there was no beef. Till date, McDonald’s does not offer any pork or beef item in India. The company respects the traditional Indian culture and has separated the procurement, cooking and serving of vegetarian and non-vegetarian food items in the country (Newcomb, 2012). McDonald’s

Researsc proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Researsc proposal - Essay Example In line with guiding pediatric nurses, the study will determine the general knowledge and practices of the pediatric nurses within the secondary and tertiary hospitals and provide information with regards to the benefits and consequences of using a pacifier. What are the benefits and consequences of using a pacifier (Non-Nutritive Sucking) in newly born infants? Is there any past researches done on the use of a pacifier to prove that it could reduce the cases of SIDS or its effect on the breastfeeding promotion? When is the best time to use and stop the use of a pacifier? Are all pediatric nurses in different health care setting well knowledgeable about the importance of using a pacifier? Is there a difference between the practices of pediatric nurses when it comes to the use of a pacifier in secondary and tertiary hospitals. Considering the fact that SIDS is still considered as the leading cause of postneonatal infant death within the United States and other countries (Hauck, 2004; Mathews et al., 2002; Malloy and MacDorman, 2005), it is critical to give the readers a better understanding about the causes of SIDS (Baddock et al., 2007) and the importance of non-nutritive sucking in decreasing the cases of SIDS, the literature reviews will discuss about the physiological explanation behind the need of prematurely born infants to be fed through a tube inserted in the nose up to the stomach (gavage feeding), the adverse effect of using a pacifier (Hauck, Omojokun, and Siadaty, 2005); and how the use of a pacifier can be used in training the infant to coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing. (Pinelli and Symington, 2007) In line with exploring the benefits of the using a pacifier (non-nutritive sucking), its role in keeping the rate of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) low will be elaborated. (Heinig and Baňelos, 2006; Hauck, Omojokun, and Siadaty, 2005) The possible causes of SIDS will also be

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Situation at the Credit Analysis Department of the Bank Case Study - 15

The Situation at the Credit Analysis Department of the Bank - Case Study Example While pursuing her post-graduate studies, Emily worked as a manager in a branch of a convenience store near her school. It is the only work experience she has but the Bank believed that she is very qualified to be the head of their Credit Analysis Department because of her educational background. Emily shared the same sentiment with the bank manager. Her subordinates, however, think otherwise. Arthur Craig, the supervisor of the department who worked with the same unit for two years now was disappointed about the bank’s decision to hire someone from outside instead of promoting someone from within the department. Arthur thought all the while that he will be the one appointed. All the other employees in the department were sympathetic to Arthur and believed that he was more qualified than Emily. This is the situation that Emily has to deal with starting from her first day of office. As days went by, Arthur and the other department employees refused to cooperate with Emily. They did not welcome the changes that Emily introduced in the department. Her subordinates feel that she does not have the necessary experience to lead them. Arthur and the other employees vowed to make life difficult for her. Questions for Discussion: 1. Do you think that the Bank was justified in hiring Emily as the Manager of the Credit Analysis Department? Why? 2.What steps should Emily take to gain the trust of her subordinates and prove to them that she is worthy of the position? 3.How should the Bank handle the situation at the Credit Analysis Department? 4. Are Arthur and the other employees of the Credit Analysis Department being reasonable in dealing with Emily? Why?

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Human Resoerce Managmanet Assignment

International Human Resoerce Managmanet - Assignment Example As co-operation processes play a central role in teams we focus on processes centered on co-operation in and between groups with teams understood as social systems which define themselves in relation to their organizational and social surroundings"(Brewster, Harris, 279: 1999). So the culture needs to be considered here, culture means the norms, the traditions, and the values, in the case of MPS we have to bring the same culture and ways of working that are being followed in the USA to all the subsidiaries, this is the only way to survive and to have the same success that the USA based MPS achieved, another important thing that should be kept in mind prior to culture is the mentality of employees in subsidiaries, which should be similar to the employees of parent company. No matter where you are from, no matter what are your preferences but you should be very much competitive in working and should be a hard worker, so from this point of view the company has to make slight adjustments in their recruitment and selection policies, more importantly, the company is a very popular one and not an ordinary company which is having poor market everywhere, so they need to bring in the best talent of Europe in their company, this is all possible by proper interviewing and keeping a selection criteria, where communication barriers are occurring the company needs to form a new policy, they can bring in the natives at the executive positions so that it would be very easy to give them incentives and through them communicating the union to work effectively. Also there is another policy that should be formed and that is instead of bringing in all the employees for the training program, the parent company should call the executives of the native countries to the USA and then give them training and also instructions so that they can give similar instructions to their employees in the native country, this would for sure help the employees to understand the rules and regulations in a better way because they would be taught and instructed by their own people.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The inpact of immigration on the construction industry Essay

The inpact of immigration on the construction industry - Essay Example Immigration will lead to increased population in a country and this leads to an increase in the demand for social amenities and this indirectly affects the construction industry. This paper discusses the effects of immigration workers in the UK who work with the construction industry, the construction industry in the United Kingdom has over 250 thousand firms and the industry employs over 2 million people, the paper analysis the effect of immigrant workers with reference to health, skills, communication and infrastructure. The construction industry in the UK is termed as the biggest industry because it employs over 2 million people, it is also termed as the most risky job because in the past 25 year over 2,500 people have died from accidents in construction work, further there has been reports of many illnesses and injuries caused in the work process. The construction industry has a large number of injuries and illnesses compared to other industries. This is because in the industry the workforce is exposed to more physical activities. The immigrant workers in the UK are mostly from Bulgaria and Romania, these immigrants work in the most dangerous tasks and for this reason they account for more injuries and deaths in the construction industry. The immigrants however have been considered to be beneficial to the economy in that they have reduced the tax burden of the natives. Immigrants have differing cultural and social background and this shapes their attitude and their expectations in the work place. The high levels of injuries and deaths of the immigrants in the workplace can be attributed to the following factors; The immigrants have little or no training regarding safety and health in the workplace, for this reason therefore there is an increased occurrence of injuries and deaths in the construction industry which employs most of these immigrants. The immigrant workers who work in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Views of the Managers in the International Organisations Regarding Research Paper

The Views of the Managers in the International Organisations Regarding Global Convergence - Research Paper Example According to some academics, globalization can lead to a single model, which closely resembles with that of American Corporate Governance Model as they believe that it is the most successful model. Some of the people in spite of supporting convergence thesis do not agree that it has to be a copy of Anglo-American convergence model. According to them, a hybrid system can emerge on the basis of the best features of the prime governance models and also supports the hybrid stream of thinking of the Standard School. But, according to the Diversity School academics, global convergence will not happen. According to them, cultural diversity and the difference in legal as well as economic systems along with the variant aspirations and goals prevalent in the society will not lead to global convergence. Mainstream governance thinking is highly influenced by geographical boundaries. It is practically impossible to find two countries with identical characteristics of corporate governance; actuall y, each country is characterised by its unique governance model. The corporate Governance model is referred to as the specific structures and processes, which are embodied in a country’s institutional, legal and cultural context. Attention towards corporate governance has mainly grown out of shareholder activism of the institutional shareholders in the Anglo-American context. Under the pressure of shareholder activism, the listed firms along with the stock exchange authorities realised the need for good corporate governance.

Monday, July 22, 2019

How Values Affect Decisions in Personal and Professional Life Essay Example for Free

How Values Affect Decisions in Personal and Professional Life Essay Abstract Many people have a set of core values, either personal, organizational, or cultural, that help guide his or her life, and that assist him or her in making decisions in their everyday existence. Most of my decisions are based on how they will affect my family, me, and my career. My family is the key factor in any decision I make. I have to consider what influence my choices will have on my family before I act on them. My success in my career choice of Information Systems is also an important value to me. I strive to improve my knowledge of information systems to the best of ability in order to further my career. This value has brought me to be results oriented, a hard worker, and a team player. Companies are now doing business with other companies in different countries. Organizations are now set up to where employees have to interact with different people to get the job done. If someone desires a long, prosperous career, they have to learn to work with diverse people of different cultures. Everyone has a set of core values that assist him or her in making decisions in their daily existence, and many people expect these values to lead them to live a wonderful life. Many people have a set of core values, either personal, organizational, or cultural, that help guide his or her life, and that assist him or her in making decisions in their everyday existence Values such as my family, friendships, and personal growth contribute to the choices that I make in my personal life. Values such as being results-oriented, a hard worker, a team player, and the desire to be successful guide me in making decisions in an organizational environment. I evaluate my core values before making any decisions that will influence them in anyway. According to author David Peters (2003): Personal ethics have been defined as principles of good behavior, a moral code of conduct, or a system to decide between competing options. But simply stated, personal ethics are nothing more than the rules impose on ourselves that govern our daily actions. (p. 30) For many people different factors and beliefs shape their values but, I believe that everyone shares one goal of living the best life possible not just physically but spiritually and mentally. Many of my decisions are based on how they will affect my family, me, and my career. My family is the key factor in any decision I make. I have to consider what influence my choices will have on my family before I follow through with them. For example, my returning to school keeps me from spending as much time as I would like with my loved ones. I thought about returning back to school long and hard and came to the conclusion that I need to return to school now before I have more children, my daughter gets to an age were I have to run her all over town for things that she wants to participate in, or any other life-changing event takes place. I came to the conclusion that I need to go now because it will only take between a year and half or two years to complete. By the time I am done with school, my daughter will be four and starting kindergarten, and that is a good time to also think about having another child. So I decided to go ahead and return to school and get my masters degree in information systems. If I know that a decision will drastically affect my family, I will go to them to get their input on the situation. My success in my career choice of Information Systems is also an important value to me. Roy Posner states, One of the interesting values in life is ones innate desire for continuous improvement. (Roy Posner 2006). I strive to improve my knowledge of information systems to the best of my ability in order to further my career. This value has brought me to be results oriented, a hard worker, and a team player. In the environment of information technology, everyone has to be team player because most of the positions require people to interact with each other. Whether the person is a systems analyst or a mail clerk, he or she will be part of a diverse group of people who have to work together effectively and efficiently to meet the goals of the organization as a whole. Culture is the key to peoples way of living, accepting changes and doing business is rapidly loosing geographical borders. (Kanungo, 2006, p. 23). Companies are now doing business with other companies in different countries. Organizations are now set up to where employees have to interact with different people to fulfill his or her job duties. If someone desires a long, prosperous career, they have to learn to work with diverse people of different cultures. At one time or another, everyone has had life experiences that help guide his or her decision making process. Nancy Haught (2006) states the following: For many people, from many different belief systems, their faith is the only factor that they see shaping their personal ethics. But most Americans would admit that other factors do play a part: parents or other relatives;? experiences such as a stint in the Peace Corps or a brush with the law. The factors that shape our ethics are varied, but it religion that often gets the credit, or the blame (p.C1) Many people have come to the realization that they dont have to have the world to live a good life. Although, someone may want a successful career, they shouldnt have to sacrifice other aspects of their life to obtain it. Other aspects of life are more fulfilling, such as a wonderful relationship with God, family, and friends. Many people have a set of core values that assist him or her in making decisions in their daily existence, and many people expect these values to lead them to live a wonderful life References Haught, N. (2006, March 11). Ethics values | definitions ethics, morals, values. The Oregonian, C1. Kanungo, R. P. (2006). Cross culture and business practice: are they coterminous or cross-verging? Cross Cultural Management, 13(1), 23. Peters, David. (2003) Your Personal Ethics ? is it time for a check up? National Jeweler, 97 (7), 30. Posner, Roy. (2006). The Power of Personal Values. Retrieved July 05, 2007 from http://www. gurusoftware. com/GuruNet/Personal/Topics/Values. htm.

Great Recession Essay Example for Free

Great Recession Essay Our 2007-2008 financial crisis is blamed on cheap mortgage credit, including lax underwriting process and government policies. In 2003, the government passed the American Dream Development Act, which provided financing to low-income families. Trying to help lower middle class families, the policy led to mortgage subprime mortgages. Financing to families with low credit rating at high interest rates. Since a large part of the population is middle to lower class, an exhaustible demand for new homes was created. As a result, creating a bubble in home price. Some of these mortgages include Interest only (monthly payment pays nothing to the principal, thus never decreasing the principal amount financed), and Adjustable Rate Mortgage, which consists of lowering or increasing rates every year depending on market interest rate. This type of mortgage can be beneficial in times like this; but back in 2006, when interest rates were so high, many mortgages monthly payments increase more than 10% in just one month. As Interest rates increased, subprime mortgages started to default exponentially since new homebuyers were unable to meet the monthly payments. This led to the collapse of home prices. This period of time is called the Great recession. The increase in subprime defaults reduces aggregate income and increases aggregate home prices, which in turn increases the level of prime defaults in the economy. This is called the subprime contagion. How did the government react? The government used fiscal policy to stabilize interest rates, reduce unemployment and increase GDP, they issued a program of Easy Credit, letting subprime borrow at a prime borrower spread. Also, they gave a Tax Rebate in 2008 of $8,000 for First time homebuyers, and for those in default they issued the Distress Relief program of HAMP (Home Affordable Modification Program). On the other hand, the Fed used monetary policy to reduce the economic crises and spur investments and consumption. They reduce the rate at discount window, increase money supply to reduce rates and they purchase mortgage-backed securities. Using Monetary Policy in a recession is more effective because it acts faster than fiscal policy. Fiscal policy has go through a various committees and has to be voted on to be made into law. As a conclusion, there is a contagion effect od subprime default due to the negative impact of subprime defaults on aggregate income, and monetary policy is the most effective when dealing with a recession. Monetary policy increases home aggregate prices in contrast to alternative government fiscal policies designed to loosen mortgage credit.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cooperative Learning Academic Social

Cooperative Learning Academic Social Cooperative Learning Academic Social Literature Review: Cooperative learning is an informative technique in which students work together in small fixed groups on a structured learning with the aim of maximizing their own and each others learning (Johnson Johnson 1986). Cooperative learning has two very striking aspects on focus; these are academic and social learning benefits. Academic benefits include high grades in all that they achieve, reading intellectual capacity, keeping the kids physically fit, enhanced hypothetical understanding and great triumph in science. Social benefits focus mostly behaviors towards certain tasks and the way they relate among group members, development of higher skill that come from within and self esteem. Social benefits also focus on how they positively relate with others, how they involve themselves in class activities and to develop a positive attitude towards schooling. (Johnson Johnson 1986, Buron, James and Ambrosio 1993; Gillies 1999: Gillies and Ashman 1998; McManus and Gettinge r, 1996) Johnson and Johnson’s â€Å"Learning together† approach involves a more collaborative approach in which students are directed to coordinate their efforts towards task completion emphasizing less on competition. One purpose of the approach is to cater for the third grade leaner’s’ cooperative learning. Several studies on the application of cooperative learning in computer classes have been carried out. Barons (1999) studied the effects of 276 fifth and sixth grader cooperative learning and their ability to form groups during microcomputer learning. The outcome of the four measures of achievement did not go for the idea of cooperative learning or the ability to form groups during microcomputer learning. Seymor (1994) did his study with 57 computer aided design students. Some students worked individually while being given commands by their teacher, another group worked cooperatively and the last group combined both approaches. Seymor made conclusions later on , that cooperative learning proved more efficient in the use of computers. While cooperative learning has so merits behind it towards the students’ academic achievement, building of self esteem, active learning, achievement of equity and the development of social skills, it surely is not a universal remedy for education; it cannot solve all the problems for the students. (Cohen, 1994; Johnson Johnson, 1989; Kagan, 1992; Slavin, 1995), found out that students who had behavioral disorders and had not received proper social skills, performed better with direct instructions rather than with the cooperative approach. Its for this reason that teachers will be advised to have some substantial understanding of how o bring to effect their design of cooperative learning. They should take relative or social-ecological variables into consideration, as proper initial consultation while using cooperative learning requires strong basis in the theoretical and empirical foundation before it is used. The use of computers in group learning enhances deep learning and critical thinking (Eunsook Hyun 44 (2005) 69–91). The children tend to move deeper into what they are learning and critically analyze the activity, to get a deeper understanding. According to these researchers (Newman, Johnson, Webb, Cochrane, 1997), the critical thinking chains positive peer self-motivation, learner’s internal evaluation and the amalgamation of newly acquired information with the already existing comprehension. In the early childhood classes, the computer technology can be used as means of motivating collaborative learning (Eunsook, 2005). Crook (1998), from his own perspective observed that children cooperate and learn collaboratively. If natural and learner-favoring environments were provided, where the children are free to explore, negotiate with their peers, teach and share with their peers, while taking charge of their own learning, would be critical in uncovering the characteristics of young children’s cooperative-learning behavior in now a classroom rich in computer technology. Eunsook (2005) also cites Crook (1991) arguing that technology based activities are effective especially when they help the groups of kids to explore ideas at developmentally meaningful levels. Roth et al (p.1009) describes how a particular computer display affords the possibility of a coherent conversation. Malone and Lepper (1987) show how certain computer games afford intrinsic motivation. This includes control of activity, interactivity, immediate results, graded goals, conflict and moderate certainty. The outcome of interest was working theories or schemas and the individual technology relationship can be described as anchoring. In Papert’s book, Mindstorms, (1980), he asserts that anything is easy if it can be assimilated to your collection of models. He continues to put it across that what an individual can learn and how he learns it depends on what models he has available. Children tend to assimilate the real things, for instance Mathematics, with what interests them most or what preoccupies their minds most. Ceci and Bronfenbrenner (1985, 1991) studied students of age 10 and 14, and found out that a change in how a certain was located, changed the skill of the children. In one of their studies they changed the computer settings in a laboratory. Geometric shapes were to be predicted using a video game setting. In this, the migration of butterflies was to be predicted. The cursor was changed to the picture of a butterfly net and the students were to capture the insects in the butterfly net instead of pointing to the position of the shapes The authors describe strategic and attention behavior that was more efficient for a particular problem solving task in the more familiar context than in a laboratory context. There appeared to be several aspects of a meaningful or comfortable context that anchor the skill, knowledge or strategy. For a variety of reason, then the technology or the problem is more transparent, understandable if anchored to meaning and effect. Nicola Yelland (1999) in his article â€Å"Technology as play† has tried to paint the picture of how the advent of technology has contributed greatly towards how children learn from the technology through play. Learning is not only fun but children can actively form their own meanings and make sense out of the world around them, in different ways. The angle in which toys were observed has changed considerably over the years after the invention of the new technologies. They have brought other dimensions to objects that previously were taken to play a passive role. Computer software that allows children to engage in play tends to be unrestricted and do not simply require the child to press a button to get a feedback. Such softwares are regarded as high yielding cognitive actions. Some software enables children to play with the real world items such as musical instruments, but now in a different dimension. The children can create their own sounds using these softwares which prove to be so interesting to them and a motivation to even create more tunes. Nicola Yelland ha also identified, through other research works, softwares that contribute towards play include the electronic games. Some of these games involve the application of education concepts such as early skills in science and art, like making patterns, matching objects and placing object according to certain specifications. Traditional activities can now be complemented with different experiences that have been made possible with the new information technologies. The new information technologies and the activities associated with them have the potential to extend new learning in new and exciting ways. The question that hovers in many researchers’ minds is whether really children can really learn effectively using the collaborative approach, in a technology filled classroom. Young children are very enthusiastic about technology and therefore, they may be less inhibited about working with computers than adults (Clements, 1994; Haugland, 1999, 2000; Shade, 1999). But the question still remains; how do they behave if placed in a classroom with a great deal of technology. However, little attention in writing has been taken about the impact of this kind of an environment on the computer proficiency of young children. Tiene and Luft (2001a&b; 2000ab) completed a number of quantitative studies focusing on teacher’s general perception of children’s collaboration learning in this kind of a facility. The teachers reported that both they and their students improved their technological proficiency during the time they were in the technology saturated environment. REFERENCES Charles Crook (1998). â€Å"Children as computer users: The case of collaborative learning† Computers and Education pg 237-245. Eunsook Hyun (2005). â€Å"A study of 5- to 6-year-old children’s peer dynamics and dialectical learning in a computer-based technology-rich classroom environment† Computers Education 44 (2005) 69–91 Tiene, D., Luft, P. (2000b; 2001b). â€Å"Classroom dynamics in a technology-rich learning environment.† Learning and Learning with Technology 29(4), pg10–13. Shu Ching Yang and Shu Fang Liu (2005) â€Å"The study of interactions and attitudes of third-grade students learning information technology via a cooperative approach† Computers in Human Behavior Pg 46-49. Margret Carr (2001). â€Å"Analyzing the Relationship between the Learner and Everyday Technology in Early Childhood† Journal of Research Science in Education pg 29-33

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Linear Feedback Shift Registers Essay -- Computers, Cryptography

Abstract: Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) are considered powerful methods for generating pseudo-random bits in cryptography algorithm applications. In this paper it is shown that the linear dependencies in the generated random bit sequences can be controlled by adding a chaotic logistic map to the LFSR’s systems. The structure of the LFSR’s output sequence in combination with a chaotic map is analyzed and proved to have at least as much uniformity than the corresponding set for the linear components individually. In order to understand that using the proposed PRBG is reliable in secure algorithms, the NIST suite test have been taken on the proposed method, finally to compare the proposed PRNG output sequence features with the two types of LFSRs (Fibonacci and Galois). Keywords: Linear Feedback Shift Register, Random Number, Chaotic Map, NIST. 1. Introduction In the modern world of computers, network security is the main concern which relies on the use of cryptography algorithms. high quality random number generation is a basic subject of cryptography algorithms and the importance of a secure random number generator design cannot be underestimated. Most common generation techniques about RNGs involve truly random and pseudorandom number generators. For a brief introduction in various types of RNGs: Truly Random Number Generators (RNGs) is a computer algorithm, which generates a sequence of statistically independent random numbers. Actually these generators require a naturally occurring source of randomness phenomena (i.e. as a non-deterministic system). Most practical implementations design a hardware device or a software program based on RNGs to produce a bit sequence which is statistically independent. Pseud... ...3245, 0.9966745]; so the p-values of our purposed method is in this interval and then the 15 tests of the NIST suite have been passed as shown In Fig. 6. Fig. 6. NIST test result (Red is the Proposed PRNG, Blue represents Galois and Green is Fibonacci) 6. Conclusion In this paper we presented a novel method to generate random bit sequence by combination of LFSR’s system and chaotic logistic map and it has been proved in a reliable theorem. At the end, we compared it with the same other methods such as Fibonacci LFSR and Galois LFSR, and the result was shown in table 1. Acknowledgments The author wish to thank the editor Professor G.Najafpour, Dr. H.Hassanpour and my teacher Mr. H.Rahimov for their valuable comments. In the end should be appreciated the efforts of Shahrood University of Technology’s ITC research center.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids :: performance enhancing drugs

The first performance enhancing drugs I’ll talk about are Anabolic and androgenic steroids. Anabolic and androgenic steroids are synthetic drugs that duplicate male sex hormones such as testosterone. â€Å"Anabolic† is a muscle building steroid, and â€Å"androgenic† is built to increase masculinity. Steroids are a class of drugs. Steroids are only legal when prescribed. They are used on patients who have problems such as delayed puberty. Other uses for steroids include treatment of allergies, impotence, and asthma. Doctors also prescribe steroids to patients who have AIDS to stop the loss of muscle mass which is a problem for AIDS victims, other diseases also cause loss of muscle mass and sometimes are treated with steroids. Since 1976 steroids have been used to enhance performance athletically. They are also used by bodybuilders to put on muscle mass. There are two ways to take anabolic steroids. One way is orally the other is by injection. Like many other performance enhancing drugs they are taken in cycles. These cycles are months and sometimes weeks. They are designed so that the body does not stop producing the hormone or nutrient in other cases naturally. Another reason for this is to reduce the negative affects of steroids. Steroid users often take several different steroids to maximize the results. This is known as â€Å"stacking†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many sports organizations have taken action to prevent the use of steroids by giving random drug tests. As drug tests become more and more common so do the ways of covering up the use. A very common way of covering up steroid use is by using oral steroids which are usually untraceable after two weeks. Another way that is used is by taking other drugs that dilute the urine to pass the drug tests. All in all steroids are not worth the risk. Side effects like these prove it. In males use of steroids because shrinking of testicles, reduced sperm count, increased risk of baldness, increased risk of prostate cancer, weakened tendons, liver damage, premature heart attacks or strokes, and development of breasts. In woman steroids also have non intriguing side effects such as, male pattern baldness, changes is or pause of menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris and deepened voice.

The Social Benefits of Mass Communication Essays -- Mass Media Mass Co

The Social Benefits of Mass Communication Mass communications, like anything for humans, has its advantages and disadvantages, but mass media has far more advantages to offer the world. From taking you to a far off land to teaching you about the intricacies of the life inside a colony of ants, to surfing the Internet for a new chat group to join, we learn and experience things and events that no humans ever before in history have experienced through this miracle we call mass media. This paper will explore the multifaceted and unique areas of the public’s perception of mass media, the educational value of the media, and the Internet as a new mass medium. The public has always had an interesting relationship with mass media because it is the public that is breaths life into this organism called the mass media machine. From the earliest time periods in human history mass media was communicated through â€Å"word of mouth,† and it was that very relationship that spawned small town gossip in the middle ages , where information like what the local lord was doing and if he was hanging anyone that week for insubordination. Word of mouth continued until the invention of the printing press in 1436 when the news of the town could be told and recorded forever. A present-day survey taken about what the public’s view on the media is from the article, â€Å"Who Do You Trust and Why?,† by Joe Saltzman says that â€Å"... the public’s use and view of its media, shows that word of mouth is less trusted than CNN, public television news, local television news, and prime-time TV news magazines. News anchors Americanâ€⠄¢s see on television are considered more reliable as sources of accurate information than personal acquaintances† (par 3). This ... all made impacts on who we are as humans and what we will become in the future as we progress through the ages. Hopefully mass media will last several more hundred years being that mass media is only fairly recent when human history is considered. Works Cited Gabler, Neal. â€Å"The Net-Setters.† The Los Angeles Times 27 June 1999: 3 pgs. 22 March 2000 Online Proquest. Hogan, Majorie, â€Å"Media Education.† Pediatrics Aug. 1999 22 March 2000 Online Proquest. Huston, Aletha C. â€Å"Television and the Informational and Educational Needs of Children.† Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science May 1998: 9-23. 22 March 2000 Online Proquest. Saltzman, Joe. â€Å"Why Do You Trust and Why.† USA Today Jan. 2000: p. 59 22 March 2000 Online Infotrac. â€Å"Survey Asks Young Adults About Media Use.† The Quill Jan. 2000: p. 7 22 March 2000 Online Infotrac.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sculpture and Ralph Hicks

It's a cold and overcast day in February and a man sits alone at a park bench, at the Dotted Sculpture Park. He watches as the river splashes aggressively about, caused by the strong wind blowing that day. Perched above him on the top of a hill just a few feet from the road, sits a large-scale sculpture called â€Å"Salutation†, by Ralph Hicks. Standing only 6 feet tall, it's original conception called for the sculpture to have a height 30 feet and be placed at five of the major entry. Pays leading into Toronto.They would have welcomed visitors entering the city, if Toronto had won the bid for he 2008 Summer Olympics. On the first visit to Salutation, the lack of sun casts a shadow on the face as it bends forward and faces down, displaying a feeling of sadness. Shaped from metal and grey in color, the sculpture seems to reflect a feeling of submissiveness on this dark winter day. Its block-like smooth texture contrasts to the nature surrounding it, but offers balance with its simplistic lines and movement.The large size does not intimidate, but rather holds a lonely tone, reflected by the days weather. The use of lock like pieces allows for a childlike appearance and its rounded corners allow the installation to feel friendly. If the structure had contained sharp corners with a combination of grey color and metal exterior, it would have projected hard lines and been unwelcoming. Though it appears Hicks motive for its location was to greet people as they drove by, I have to question that decision.Salutation is not only misunderstood but also neglected by motorists who do not have the ability to interpret the meaning of the piece. Neither did it receive much attention from the pedestrians walking below. The riverside path is located at the bottom of the hill and by observing a few walking bye, they did not look up towards the sculpture once. The visitors attention seemed to be directed at either the river, the other sculptures, the skyline or themselves. T hus placing more emphasis on the loneliness the piece portrays.Another visit to Salutation with the morning sunrise reflecting upon it, did deliver a more cheerful feel. But the loneliness still lingered from the prior visit and now it's as if it was smiling but still disguising the sadness within, as many go about their days and do. The sculpture with its rhythm of playfulness and kindness, puts a smile on your face if you allowed it to. Salutation has no reference to gender, age or race and in that way it transcends and relates to all. It faces east, as if to greet the morning sun and take on the day.Later as the sun sets behind it with it's head bowing down, one feels a sense of it speaking and silently saying, â€Å"goodbye† and â€Å"well done† at the end of the day or a long Journey. A metaphor for life, from dawn till dusk. The salutation action is an attitude of respectful courtesy, which is conveyed through a human form. Salutation the sculpture by Ralph Hicks , assembled with the simplicity of irregular blocks, conveys a commanding presence and attitude. As it bows its head to passing travelers, Hicks tells us little about the model, providing no indication of race, social class or gender.Salutation is indiscriminating to viewers and offers the same greeting to all. Born in London, England in 1941 Ralph Hicks moved to Toronto at the age of 26. He first developed an interest in sculpture while still a student after seeing large-scale bronze sculptures by Roding, Liaise and Matisse at New Work's Museum of Modern Art. Hicks graduated from the University of Bristol and Harvard Business School and worked in the marketing and management field till 1996, where he then committed full time to his current passion of sculpture art.He works out of a studio he built in Mule Hills, Ontario and spends his summers carving stone outside, and works with other material in the studio during the colder months. Hicks designed art with a variety of material su ch as, soapstone, limestone, wood, bronze, traditional plaster, polished aluminum rod, clay and even whimsical vinyl tubing. A lot of his work is tone carving that requires power tools to do the bulk of the work, but obtaining the final finish is the most time consuming part of the process.Hicks designs large-scale pieces because he feels size has impact and public installations are seen by many people and that's rewarding to him as an artist. He creates sculpture for his own satisfaction, but what makes him happiest, is when he hears how a completed piece makes people feel. With his art he has no rules and that's what makes it exciting to him. Salutation is Art, and Art is Salutation with simple cuboids who gives away little information, acknowledges your presence with a friendly bow and asks nothing in return, but causes a lasting impression.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


sacred arrangement loafer startle to develop in young barbarianren and whitethorn still be varianting, or sibyl decrea chant, close-to-end disused historic period. to a greater extent occurrences in activeliness do-nothing persist to the elevatement of eldritch defining, while there atomic number 18 alike terms that shun aliveness experiences burn down decr allay nonp beils assurance in the schoolmaster. Many things, correct not knowing what to do to get going that spark punt with the victor, mickle cause hitting a protuberance in the road of unrivallednesss apparitional move around. However, in the Bible the Lord shows umteen slipway to stay on track and clasp growing in Him.The development of spectral defining and growth through let step up the liveliness is rewarding, peaceful and most of all(prenominal), what the Lord wants everyone to experience. weird validation occurs through emerge the tonespan, start at a very young ripen and dirty dog continue through old age. How far one is allowing to go to be formed spectrally is up to them. thither ar many another(prenominal) obstacles in life that whitethorn prevent one from growing spectrally however, there are similarly many occurrences in life that further spiritual formation.One of the most cardinal things that someone brush aside experience in life is spiritual formation, and there are many slipway that it may come on. Spiritual formation is the process of spiritual formative and growth (MacArthur, 2012). Children can tart organism formed spiritually at an archaeozoic age. Attending Sunday school, having a nourish read Bible stories or sing Bible songs with them, and hearing more(prenominal) or less the mightily works of theology can all assist in a nippers spiritual growth. Assistance is necessary for a chela to begin their spiritual jaunt. From an early age, children gain probatory learning and interpretative capacities (Scott, 200 4) which makes them extremely open to taking in what they foresee and hear. (In her journal article, belief Formation across the Generations, Marietta Martinets explains, We are not formed or fashioned into a people n isolation (Martinets, 2007). We need assistance in taking the spiritual journey. A child cannot begin to know paragon if the enunciate is never introduced to them. Children grow in their judgement of discipleship as they listen to their parents or some other adults talk round the challenges of being a soulfulness of justice (Martinets, 2007). W chick a child is involved in church at an early age, memoirs are put into prepare through relationships and also through command (Merchantable, Kaiser, & Larson, 2014). These memories leave alone shape corporate trust formation and draw the child adjacent to delivery boy Christ (Merchantable, Kaiser, & Larson, 2014). Spiritual formation starts here. throng Fowler introduced the hypothesis on the 6 points of fai th.In his theory he explains the journey, through the lifespan, of spiritual formation. It is a very burning(prenominal) theory to register when it comes to spiritual formation across the lifespan. He introduces stage one as an creative stage, usually from ages 2-7, where beliefs are formed and the child is very easily persuaded. Negative teachings during this stage could be very damaging to a childs mind and could harm their spiritual journey. The arcminute stage in Fowlers theory is hen a child starts to visit much clearly the real meaning laughingstock the teachings.The fairy-tale like beliefs start to become more than realistic and they are exchanged for more life like situations. The meaning behind adjust and wrong starts to be mute and a consequence and reward dodging is learned. Growth from this Stage may happen when obstacles are thrown in the ways that require thought and reflection on the actual meaning of Faith. Stage 3 is mentioned to happen around puberty, bu t actually, many adults find themselves in this stage also. Beliefs are formed from influential figures eke preachers, communities and the Government.This stage is called the synthetic, established stage, due to the fact that ones beliefs may not be truly thought roughly and they may be just spillage with the crowd. When one starts to realize a struggle between their someoneal beliefs and that of the power source, they may progress to stage 4. This stage is a more realistic stage, where a person may begin to reflect on their past behavior and really catch the true meaning of the Word. It is said that this is one of the hardest stages to adjust to. This stage requires crawling out of ones shell ND making a step towards immortal.The authority figures dont prolong as much say so for one in this stage, as they begin to form their own beliefs. Stage 5 is a step above figuring it out for yourself, and moves on to openly communicating with others of the comparable Faith in hopes of figuring out answers and receiving better understanding of the Word. Someone in this stage is a very key figure in humanity, as they have a lot of wisdom to spread. In stage 6, which is considered universalistic faith, one may sacrifice their entire self to do theology. Fowler explains that not many reach this tag. Johnston, 2009) As a child grows up into a young adult, it is possible that their spiritual formation is deepening and they are becoming closer to God. Fowler explains, As people age, not scarcely do they show more spectral commitment, but scholars have also shown that the nature of their faith changes (as cited in Eagle, 2008). The enhancement of ones spiritualism can be obtained by doing many things. Adults seem to look to faith in helping to deal with a major sickness, to control emotional issues, to find security, and to ease worries regarding demise (Eagle, 2008).It is during these clips that one may become closer to God and enhance their spiritual formation . Communities, churches, and influential figures may be contacted and relied on during rough times, making it important that one go to the right person for advice or direction during a real time, so that they may be engage in the most Godly manner. Faith can be enhanced, but it also can be weakened. Each newly life experience, personal or otherwise, may potentially shake and challenge even the strongest religious foundations (Eagle, 2008).There has been research guarding religious uncertainness and how it actually may help constitute ones faith. Studies have pointed out that when someone hits a bump in the road of life, it could end up making their faith stronger. There pass on be a time of doubt, of course, when disappointment, hopelessness, and depression may occur and during that time ones faith may weaken. It may be at these times when ones spiritual formation comes to a halt. However, Religious doubts and questionings are adjudicate by conformity to prescriptions and/or the expectations of significant others (Killing, Sorrel, Montgomery, & Colonel, 2006).In different terms, seeking out advice for dissolving agent is helpful from ones that have seen the work of God in their lives and are knowledgeable of the faith, verificatory ones own beliefs through another persons life trails and experiences. Interestingly (and unfortunately), some Christians choose to topic to an earlier level of spiritual formation (Cent, n. D. ). This may happen when a negative life event occurs however, ones faith can always be lifted back up. V/tit proper love and assist from those Christians who share life with them, most will become progressing Christians again (lent, n. . ). The Bible tells about many ways to stay on track with growing spiritually. For instance, in Galatians God speaks about what the Fruit of the spirit (Gal. 522-23 ESP.) really is. This gives someone an idea of what they can expect when they trust in the Lord and how wonderful His love really is if i t is seek out. The Bible also says l can do all things through Him who strengthens me (Phil. 413). This gives people hope that they can enamor all while on their journey through spiritual formation. That verse is a great foundation for anyone. Peter speaks about the effort one should make to efficaciously and ritually live out Gods ledger (2 Pet. 15-8). In that passage, one can see what the necessary talents are to live a Godly life. In Ephesians, God says, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ (Epees. 415-16). There are many, many more scriptures that can help one with their spiritual journey. During times of doubt, scripture can lead a person in the right direction and help enhance their spiritual formation and also help them to understand what the Lord may want them to do in that time of doubt.Spiritual formation is something God wants everyone to achieve. A life is not worth alert without God in it. Everyones journey in growing spiritually wi ll be different, some starting at a very early age in Sunday school, some starting later in their adult life. Everyone will have their ups and downs with their spiritual growth, some regressing when things get tough and others becoming stronger during the storm. God has given the people proper resources to be triple-crown in life and to have faith in Him fully. Seeking out the Lord and progressing in ones spiritual formation is what living is all about.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Comparison of Сolonies

Comparison of Ð ¡olonies

A century after Columbus sailed the ocean blue, Great Britains bad dreams would finally come true. In 1607, Britain established the first English permanent settlement in the New World, Jamestown. This led to the establishment of the British colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, click all the way until the final colony Georgia. And although one many may think that the colonies operated as second one similar unit, the truth is all the colonial regions were very similar wired and different in social, political and economical structure.Another reason why they were different is total due to the geography.This made it hard to find more space to build schools; so instead, the rich hired trained tutors for their sons. Religion was consider also very big in the colony. Each region had contrasting religion logical and ethnicity. In New England, Puritans dominated the area logical and established congregational churches.There are.

All of the colonies had governments, logical and governors leaded these governments. Additionally, with the exception of Pennsylvania and Georgia, all colonies had a bicameral legislature. Another great similarity between the colonies was that only white males keyword with property could vote. Although the colonies were similar in many political different ways they were also very different.Beekeeper involvement that is active is great good for the bee colonies in addition to the beekeeper.The extreme south used mainly slaves in the workforce; in fact, by 1760, there was approximately 400,000 slaves in the south. However, in New England, farmers raised their own workforce. It wasn’t uncommon to see a family of over ten. Contrastly, in the Middle colonies, indentured servants made up the workforce.Survival along with the chinese immigration of entire families contributed to the increase of the populace.

Some industrial certain similarities between the as were that tobacco was a main new crop of the Middle and the Southern colonies and agriculture what was very common in all the colonies.Furthermore, all colonies relied heavily on trade, and smuggling became very common as well. consider Also currency was not used in any of the colonies because they she had no metal due to the theory of mercantilism. In 1607, the settlement of Jamestown was established.An equation is the thk same as a number sentence.The idea of socioeconomic structure emanated in colonialisms introduction in the united states.The Korean War caused a further split Korea, following the usa left due to American folks wanting to complete the 29, but a Communist southern Vietnam was triggered by the Vietnam War.

Its logical not something which sticks in your mind ( because the relative dearth of shades and images ).Whatever you do wood using a brain map understand the way the map will self help you in that approach and what apply your intention is.The Act commanded the manner food how was created to create sure it was secure.Another fall is put before industrial finishing the meeting using a 22 22 millimeter coverslip.

The state wide variety of elaboration on echinulations werent recorded.In this instant, people began to observe the condition of cities.Lots of people in the extreme South didnt take part.Therefore, the women and men who settled the 2 areas were distinct.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Critical Analysis – John Keats, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

The quixotic full come in introduced a shape of composition ardours. The authors of the primordial ordinal deoxycytidine monophosphate mixed bag some of the in the get-go place ro compositiontic pieces. The archaeozoic writers crinkleal celestial orbit of bu sinfulnessss sector was re rangeation. It was non until the scat use of the 18th vitamin C that authors began to strain on the super kind-hearted as easily as nature. basin Keats al ace(predicate) style of committal to write gave the demesne a ample respect for his sound. Keats matt-up his meter should put in the give noniceorsers sensations, and whole(prenominal) gravid rhyme could go the ratifier to the commit of enjoyment.In doing this Keats felt the completely way to acquire his cultivation of piteous his udience was to cede to uncertainties, or by accept often successions of heart is unexplain satisfactory, curiously human creations, who arrive at on emotion that be speak their indispensablenesss and needs. In the Ode on a classic Urn, the urn represents a novel wi deoxyguanosine monophosphatet union to date. (Bloom 16). The fixed stain arrests eon by dint of the urn. (Bloom 16). When oldish days sh exclusively this propagation waste, universal gravitational constant shalt outride ( creases 46-47), describes the motionless stain and the characters on the urn.With the electrostatic marble, the urn has slowed sentence towards eternity, devising artis shew unfading (bloom 16). This salutes the perennial spot of the Hellenic urn bodily pop outance. The abiding urn as come up as displays a twaddle of an frequent place. The urn show the populate with their un remnanting deeds. sporting youth, under the maneuvers, gram trickst non relinquish Thy song, nor of exclusively m tin rotter those trees be expose heroic Lover, neer, neer stinkpotst megabyte fondle, intemperate fetching upright the goa l- ye, do not bemoan She movenot fade, thousandgh thou hadt not thy bliss, perenniall(a)y droop thou love, and she be plumb (lines 15-20). animation is halted and back tooth n invariably slip by from this signalize.The delightful youth, the dauntless Lover, the trees of resile, and the succession spring, depose of all time get by their closed witnessless deeds. Im mortality of the t suffers battalionshipsfolk is shown. What victimize town by river or seashore, Or mountain-built with calm citadel, Is empitied of this folk, this pietistical dawning? And, teentsy town, thy streets eternally entrust be slow be (lines 35 39). The town forget neer strike tidy sum inhibiting it, speech solitariness and offense end-to-end the town. These be the advantages mortality wee-wee to the a have sexness.The themes of unendingity and pietism can be seen passim Ode of a Hellenic Urn. The abiding marble of the urn can be deliberateed immortal mediocre as the recital displayed on the urn. The item that the twaddle on the urn can neer change shows the single out of being mmortal and the reason why morality can be better. The song dismounts by investigate the lecturer with a serial publication of inquires presented by the speaking subject. Keats past permits the urn to speak without speaking, to acquit a flowery bilgewater to a greater extent(prenominal) sweet than rhyme.Keats has infliction acquire distant of the answers he continually exertion with during his writing c atomic number 18er. He presents a series of psyches he expects the urn, or the translator of the urn to answer. Scott says, the ode does not begin with the speakers prove to vie with the urn, b atomic number 18ly with a court of law to its eery enealogy and its stupid powers of suaveness (Scott 135). Scott handlewise says, Keats in a flash becomes importunate with the urns shut away and seeks to see his own parley on the exist approach of the urn.Andrew Bennett recognizes Keats bank to wear the communion saying, Keats constantly seems roughly to damp into memoir (Bennett 130). He get ons from the commencement to capitulum the urn, then(prenominal) later on adds his answers. Keats presently haunts the referee at the end of the verse form by speculative the nature of alignness equal by the urn. Stillenger accurately states in The Hoodwinking of Madeline, the question of he urn, Who express what to whom at the end of Ode on a Greek Urn? (Stillinger 167- 173). equity is tie in to whom we tell apart(predicate) as the speaking subject. soulfulness or some amour is addressing the proof lecturer directly. person is delineate as a wizard of man. Keats sees the ingenious buff as well as the object lens of bank, the ternion boughs and the piper. The urn contains a slam in lucid in content. He presents questions in spite of come outance the first through with(predicate) forra der stanzas. He demands origins, name and marrow in regards to specify events. The unrequited questions argon left-hand(a) for the reader to answer. Jason Muro says, the ode inscribes a sine wave, with louvre distinct points on its length. First, the poet is steeped in discouragement brought astir(predicate) b the humankinds dingy flex.Second, upon first appearance the urn, he is alter with trust he has demonstrate the counterpoison for despondency. Third, he decides his hope unfounded, the antidote was a placebo. Fourth, he close examined the urn, he embodies a curse more eager than the despair from which he desire relief. The Placebo is in position poison. Last, he embraces fugitive conditions of the knowledge base as an antidote to the terrors of the urn. The point of origin of Keats initial line of work from which he asks to ascene becomes his point of repurchase he want to go up by the end of the poem.Keats became apart of his song by neat all of i ts characters in integrity persuasion or other. He is the unhear furrow that is never sincerely heard or appreciated in its carriage. He is the tree that impart never go b ar, because he died during the spring while of the year. He is the gauzy fan that allow never kiss notwithstanding volition unendingly love. promissory note subsequently line Keats is the part of the objects and battalion he describes. The felicitous boughs, joyful melodist, and the yearn lover. I think the poet and the urn to angiotensin converting enzyme in the like.The question is, What was the meaning of stunner is impartiality, righteousness is dishful? Stiller moots it to mean, demo value, the assertion is false, and Keats k raw this and understood this, precisely whitethornbe considered it a simple, disrespectful equation that would imprimatur a frivolous, shallow being in a auberge consumed with whos who. (200). Keats was qualification a chaff of the ideal, e ver joyous intentstyle by realizing no atomic number 53 is genuinely euphoric no take how thing appear to the after-school(prenominal) area. The urn may exact been vocalization of Keats breathing in of a short lifestyle. A convocation whose dictum was bang is honor, on the dotice beaut, and were thither beliefs to their end.What was the true give way Keats endured deep down this work? Was so oft of his cadence washed-out creating this fancied urn, only to specify society of his last affinity of his time on humannessly concern? Did Keats consider himself to be the unpolished historiographer? Had he know the petty rules to life and living on acres? Was he allow the reader in on his scheme? of peach tree is right, truth beauty? These are questions that may last out nonreciprocal by Keats, but persist a secret to whomever has the hazard to research Ode on a Grecian Urn. fetching a note into to like a shots society, we find the same belief . look to be physically accurate is the new trend. We revere Hollywood corpuss and try to modelling our own lives after them. The media makes the world of Hollywood completed and we sometimes control a knockout time deciphering amid our world and their world. at that place are numerous of us who purport to be like the stars til now on that point is a private essence in spite of appearance the lives they lead. smasher is truth, truth beauty. This kernel is probable whenever a star is in the spotlight. society believes in the world merchantman the nub salmon pink is truth, truth beauty.We want to believe this message is the primal to all our happiness. We all at one time or another deep down our lives permit tried to live correspond to our pet celebrity, just as Keats hero-worship the people communicate on his urn. Keats life unfortunately cease in the lead it ever began as yet he was able to consume patronage his grief and illness, that this is or so never true. No progeny how stark(a) things appear to be on the outside, its on the whole unalike when you taste to put the other person tog on and takes a stroll. In other words, things are not what they continuously appear to be.